Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy describes how Lottorama collects, uses, stores and protects users' personal information. By using our website, you agree to the terms described in this policy.
1. Information Collected
1.1 Personally Identifiable Information: We may collect personally identifiable information such as name, email address, telephone number and payment information during the registration process. This information is used for authentication, payment processing and communication with users.1.2 Payment Information: If you decide to participate in a paid pool, we may collect payment information, such as your credit card number, billing address and bank account information. This information is used exclusively to process financial transactions in compliance with applicable laws1.3 Usage Information: We may collect information about your use of the website, including IP address, browser type, operating system, pages visited, access dates and times. This information is used to improve the user experience, personalize content and ensure the security of the
2. Use of Information
2.1 Transaction Processing: We use the information provided to process transactions, such as purchasing pool shares and paying prizes.2.2 Communication: We may use the contact information you provide to send communications related to sweepstakes, website updates, prize information and promotional offers. Users may opt out of receiving such communications at any time.2.3 Service Improvement: The information collected is used to continually improve our website, personalize the user experience, develop new features and ensure system security.2.4 Legal Compliance: We may disclose personal information when required to do so by law or when we believe in good faith that disclosure is necessary to protect our legal rights, comply with a court order, or respond to legal process.
3. Information Sharing
3.1 Selected Third Parties: We may share personal information with selected third parties who perform services on our behalf, such as processing payments, sending emails or analyzing data. These third parties are obliged to maintain the confidentiality of the information and use it only for the agreed purposes.3.2 Advertising Partners: We may allow advertising partners to collect site usage information to display personalized advertisements. This information does not include personally identifiable data, but may be based on cookies or similar technologies.3.3 Business Transfer: In the event of a merger, acquisition or sale of assets, users' personal information may be transferred as part of the business assets. In this case, users will be notified in advance by updating this Privacy Policy or by means of a prominent notice on our website.3.4 User Consent: We may share personal information with third parties outside of the circumstances mentioned above, provided that we have obtained users' express consent to do so.
4. Information Security
We implement appropriate security measures to protect users' personal information from unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure or destruction. These measures include data encryption, restricting access to confidential information, and physically protecting the servers where the information is stored.
5. Cookies and Similar Technologies
Our website may use cookies and similar technologies to improve user experience, personalize content, and collect information about site usage. Users can control the use of cookies through their browser settings, but this may affect the functionality of the website.
6. Links to Third Party Sites
Our website may contain links to third party websites. This Privacy Policy applies only to our website, and we are not responsible for the privacy practices of other websites. We recommend that users read the privacy policies of these sites before providing any personal information.
7. Changes to this Privacy Policy
We reserve the right to update or modify this Privacy Policy at any time. Changes will take effect immediately upon publication of the updated version on our website. We recommend that users periodically review this policy to stay informed about how we protect personal information.
8. Contact
If you have questions, concerns or requests regarding this Privacy Policy or the use of your personal information, please contact us through the support channels provided on our website.
Last updated: September 26, 2023
This Privacy Policy aims to protect the privacy and security of users. By using our website, you consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.